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Wednesday, February 10, 2010 Y

Today we learnt CSS which is Cascading Style Sheet. I think CSS is very impertant to a HTML as without CSS, Webpage would be boring including my blog now u are looking at. I still dunno how to use CSS but mr cheong is going to teach us next week. I am also going to have my first IS test and my first test of my year. I am excited and nrvous at the same time i hope i can score in it!

Colourless Life
4:34 AM
Monday, February 1, 2010 Y

Reflections on the doing of HTML

  Through the HTML mini project i learnt not only facts about HTML and also the importance of teamwork when you are working with other people.During the process of the making of HTML i had fun typing in the weird codes.

  In conclusion, I want to say that we should have the value call teamwork in our school value J-TIGERR. I really hope more of this kind of activities could take place as this may give us opportunities to understand our friends better.

Colourless Life
9:35 AM

When doing the HTML worksheets for week 3

 Actually this is the first time i am dealing with HTML so my partner for this week is Jaron. We decided to do our HTML first then we compare and improve on both our HTML. This reason i did this way is because i think in this way both of us a chance to do on ourslves first then we compare this way we can get the best of both worlds.
During my first few attempts i did not success in posting the picture and the link but after a few tries i still cannot succeed in making the link and the picture to appear.

  For the worksheet, I've learnt a lot of helpful things as the HTML can help me alot in terms of desining my blog and helping me ceate a webpage through the notepad.

Colourless Life
9:29 AM