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Monday, January 25, 2010 Y


I think the forum was educational i really like the forum as it is like a platform to throw your opinions and shout what you think on it. Moreover we can also see how other people think differently from which will also give us a better understanding of other people, knowing how other people think is very important in our lifes. Ya so basically that's all i have to say for now BYE!

Colourless Life
8:25 AM

Review on lesson 2

During the second lesson, mr cheong gave us an assisgment which is to discuss in the forum. This made me watch the video called 'Blog or Website?' I have learnt something very important from the video which is no matter what we are doing be it a blog or a website we MUST have perseverance and we must also work hard to make our blog or website successful. I also learnt how to create a ning account and participate in the forum.

Colourless Life
8:23 AM
Tuesday, January 12, 2010 Y

Some new things I learnt in detail

Basically this post is to show some new things I learnt in detail.

1. What's a hit?
A hit is actually just any web site name that is listed as the result of a search.

2. What are the 9 basic types of Web sites
-Portal (A web site thaat offers a variety of services for free)
-News (Contains newsworthy material)
-Informational (Contains factual info. that's created by organizations and gov. agencies)
-Business/Marketing (Promote products and services that can be purchased online)
-Educational (Contains contents that are educational)
-Entertainment (Offers an interactive and engaging environment)
-Advocacy (Contains content that describes a cause, opinion or idea)
-Blog (It is sonething i am writing now)
-Personal ( Maintained by private individual)

3. Type of graphics formats

4.What is a thumbnail?
Small version of a larger graphic-used to improve Web page display time.
5. What is virtual reality (VR)?
Use of computers to stimulate real or imagined environment, appear as 3-D

Colourless Life
5:10 AM

Reflection on the first day of infocomm studies

Today's the first lesson on Infocomm Studies (IS). It was a bit quick as we were late for twenty minutes. SORRY MR. CHEONG! So we'll try our best not to be late the next time. Although the lesson was fast we were still able to learn what Mr. Cheong want us to know as the lessons are all posted online hence we are able to read them.
I learnt quite a bit of things from the slide shows Mr. Cheong had prepared for us.
I learnt that Internet was created to allow scientist at different locations to share information and it was created by Pentagon's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). We learnt that back in the past people use dial-up connection which is slow but inexpensive however people now uses Digital suscriber line (DSL), cable telephone Internet services (CATV), cable modem, fixed wireless, and satellite modems that are high-speed connection. In this lesson it also taught me that there are more than three web browser like opera and netscape as previously I thought there were only 3 which are internet explorer, safari and mozilla.
The slide shows also taught some of the basic things like 'What is a home page?' 'What is downloading?' ' What are links?' etc.
That's only half of the lesson, for the other half we learnt some more advanced stuff like the 9 basic types of web sites, the defination of a hit, animation, thumbnail, audio, virtual reality etc. sounds confusing right that's why I made a post up there called 'Some new things I learnt in detail' to show the things that are new to me.
Lastly the lesson concluded with NETIQUETTE which Mr. Cheong told us a golden rule: Treat others as you would like them to treat you.
That's my first day of IS see ya!
12 jan 2010

Colourless Life
2:25 AM

Intro of me

HI, I AM ZHEN NING from HCI 1p4. this is my IS blog

Colourless Life
2:07 AM